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UnDistracted for macOS

UnDistracted is a distraction blocker app designed specifically for macOS. It helps you stay focused while working by restricting access to distracting websites and apps for set periods of time.

What is UnDistracted for macOS?

UnDistracted is a productivity app for macOS that helps prevent distractions while you work. It allows you to block distracting websites and apps like social media, news sites, YouTube, games etc. for customizable periods of time - from 30 minutes to multiple hours.

Some key features of UnDistracted include:

  • Set time limits for how long you want to block distractions for, with schedule options for multiple time blocks per day
  • Whitelist specific websites and apps to remain accessible during UnDistracted sessions
  • Focus mode darkens everything except your current app to eliminate on-screen distractions
  • Track your progress over time to stay motivated and see how long you are able to focus for
  • Set rewards you unlock after completing UnDistracted sessions, like taking breaks or accessing blocked sites

Overall, if you struggle with losing focus throughout your workday and wasting too much time on unproductive activities on your Mac, UnDistracted can help train your brain to focus for longer periods and curb those harmful context switching habits.

The Best UnDistracted for macOS Alternatives

Top Apps like UnDistracted for macOS

Motion App, HazeOver, WindowFX, Window Focus, StayFocused, Baitblock are some alternatives to UnDistracted for macOS.

Motion App

Motion App is a time tracking and productivity application designed specifically for Mac. It allows users to track time spent on projects and tasks, set daily or weekly productivity goals, track periods of focus, and measure overall productivity.Some key features of Motion App include:Clean and intuitive interface that...


HazeOver is a lightweight distraction-diminishing application designed specifically for Mac. It works by detecting which application window is currently active, and then subtly dimming all background application windows by overlaying them with a translucent gray layer.This makes the active foreground window stand out, while softening the visual impact of...


WindowFX is a free, open-source software that helps customize the look and feel of windows in Microsoft Windows. It allows users to easily change the visual styles of various interface elements in Windows.Some of the key features of WindowFX include:Applying custom themes and skins to change colors, backgrounds...

Window Focus

Window Focus is a lightweight productivity software designed to help you minimize distractions and stay focused while working on your computer. It works by detecting which application window is active and dimming all other inactive windows.This dimming of background windows directs your eyes towards the one window you are...


StayFocused is a productivity extension for the Google Chrome web browser that helps users avoid wasting time on the internet. It works by allowing users to set time limits for specific websites that tend to be distracting or time-wasting.Once a time limit is set for a site, StayFocused will...


Baitblock is an open-source ad blocker and tracker blocker browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. It blocks ads, trackers, malware, annoyances, and more to provide a faster, safer, and distraction-free web browsing experience.Key features of Baitblock include:Blocks all ads including banner ads, pop-ups, video adsBlocks...