A wiki dedicated to the furry fandom, covering conventions, characters, artists, writers, terminology, and more - an open resource for furries.
Wikifur is an open, community-driven wiki focused on providing information and resources related to the furry fandom and culture. Some key aspects covered on Wikifur include:
As a wiki, anyone can contribute reliable information on topics related to the furry community. Experienced editors help moderate recent changes and updates to ensure quality control. The goal of Wikifur is to be an inclusive, neutral hub for furry knowledge and resources, both for members within the community as well as those curious to learn more from the outside.
Overall the site strives to balance openness for users to share details related to furry culture, with common sense policies ruling out content that is too explicit, illegal, or speculative according to site guidelines. It aims to capture the breadth of creativity and diversity found in the fandom.
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