A free online tool to count words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, and pages in a text document, supports copied or uploaded files.
Word-Counter is a free online word count tool that allows users to easily count the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, and pages in a text document. It is designed to be simple, fast, and accurate in providing key statistics about text content.
To use Word-Counter, users can either copy and paste text directly into the text box on the Word-Counter website, or they can upload files in common formats like .doc, .pdf, .txt, and more. After entering or uploading text, Word-Counter will instantly display the word, character, sentence, paragraph, and page count for that content.
In addition to basic word and character counts, Word-Counter provides more detailed statistics including average words per sentence, average sentences per paragraph, fuzzy word count estimates, and typical reading time. Users can also choose to exclude specific elements like HTML code from the counts.
Word-Counter quickly processes even very large documents since all processing happens directly within the user's web browser. There are no file size limits or uploads to slow things down. The tool also conveniently saves the five most recent text documents for easy reference.
With its simple and intuitive interface along with support for multiple text input methods, Word-Counter is a useful way for writers, students, professionals, or anyone to easily obtain key counts and statistics on their textual content.
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