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AdFender is an ad blocking and privacy protection browser extension. It blocks ads, trackers, and malware to provide a faster, safer, and distraction-free browsing experience.

What is AdFender?

AdFender is a browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera that blocks ads, trackers, and malware. Its key features include:

  • Blocks all ads including banner, pop-up, and video ads
  • Prevents tracking by third party sites to protect privacy
  • Stops malware and malicious sites from infecting your computer
  • Speeds up page load times by eliminating resource-heavy ads
  • Works automatically with no settings or configuration required
  • Easy one-click install from the browser's extension store

AdFender is created by an independent developer not affiliated with any corporation. It is committed to providing an ad-free browsing experience that respects user privacy. The extension has over 1 million active users and block over 500 million ads per month. It is lightweight, open source, and does not collect or share personal data.

The Best AdFender Alternatives

Top Apps like AdFender

AdBlock, Adblock Plus, AdGuard, Blokada, AdAway, NextDNS, Ad Muncher, Bluhell Firewall, Proxomitron, Wipr, Adguard Web Filter, Adblock Edge, Privoxy, SpeedMeUp, Simple Adblock, Stop Reclame are some alternatives to AdFender.


AdBlock is a popular open-source ad blocking browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge. It aims to provide users with a faster, more secure and distraction-free browsing experience by blocking ads, tracking technologies and malware domains.Once installed, AdBlock automatically blocks all ads...

Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus is one of the most popular ad blocking extensions available. It can be added to web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera to block intrusive ads and protect user privacy while browsing the web.When enabled, Adblock Plus will automatically remove ads from websites you visit. This...


AdGuard is an ad blocking and privacy protection software and browser extension available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It utilizes multiple filtering engines and custom filters to block ads, tracking scripts, malware, and phishing websites across all browsers and devices.Key features of AdGuard include:Blocks all types of...


Blokada is a free and open source ad blocker and privacy protection app for Android devices. It works by creating a VPN to filter out advertising, tracking, malware and other unwanted content from websites, apps and more.One of the key benefits of Blokada is that it is highly configurable...


AdAway is an open source ad blocker and hosts file editor application for devices running the Android operating system. It blocks ads and tracking by manipulating the hosts file on your Android device.The hosts file acts as an internal DNS, mapping hostnames to IP addresses. AdAway works by redirecting...


NextDNS is a customizable DNS service that focuses on improving privacy, security, performance, and parental controls when browsing the internet. Unlike your standard ISP DNS server that just converts domain names to IP addresses, NextDNS acts as a middleman between your device and websites you visit.Some key features of...

Ad Muncher

Ad Muncher is a popular ad blocking program that removes ads from web browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Edge. It works by intercepting requests made by the browser and blocking any requests made to advertising servers, preventing ads from loading on webpages.Some key features of Ad Muncher include:Lightweight...

Bluhell Firewall

Bluhell Firewall is a comprehensive network security software designed to protect computers and entire networks from unauthorized access and malware threats. As a firewall, it acts as a barrier between your devices/network and the Internet, monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic using a predefined set of security rules.It...


Proxomitron is a free and open-source web proxy software developed by Ulrich Essmann in Germany. First released in 2002, Proxomitron runs on Windows and allows users to filter and modify web traffic for privacy, security and performance benefits.Some of the key features of Proxomitron include:Ad blocking - It can...


Wipr is an ad blocking extension and privacy tool for Safari on Mac and iOS devices. It was designed by the developer Giorgio Calderolla for a fast and highly effective ad blocking experience on Apple devices.Wipr blocks ads, trackers, cookies, and other website elements that clutter webpages and negatively...

Adguard Web Filter

Adguard Web Filter is an ad blocking and privacy protection software available as a browser extension and mobile app. It works by filtering internet traffic to block ads, tracking scripts, malware, phishing websites, and other unwanted or harmful content.Key features of Adguard Web Filter include:Blocks all types of...

Adblock Edge

Adblock Edge is an open-source ad blocking extension available for web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Microsoft Edge. It uses filter lists to block intrusive ads, tracking scripts, and malicious domains to provide users with a cleaner, faster, and more private web browsing experience.Adblock Edge aims to...


Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities. It is designed to give users control over their web browsing experience by blocking unwanted content like ads, trackers, and malware. Some key features of Privoxy include:Blocks ads from sites to speed up page loadingFilters out web trackers and...


SpeedMeUp is a popular system optimization and cleaning utility designed to improve computer performance and speed. It includes a variety of tools to clean up unnecessary junk files, defragment the hard drive, fix registry issues, manage startup programs, and optimize internet settings.Key features include:Junk File Cleaner - Locates...

Simple Adblock

Simple Adblock is a free, open-source ad blocking extension for the Google Chrome web browser. It is designed to block intrusive ads, popups, and tracking cookies to provide users with a cleaner, faster, and more private web browsing experience.Simple Adblock uses filter lists to automatically block ads, trackers, malware...

Stop Reclame

Stop Reclame is a browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. It functions as an ad blocker, removing advertisements from websites to provide users with a cleaner and less distracting browsing experience.The extension uses filter lists to identify and block common advertising domains. It prevents...