Find and watch your favorite anime shows on legally available streaming services, all in one place. is a free anime streaming search and recommendation platform aimed at helping users find legal streams for their favorite anime shows. It searches through multiple popular legal anime streaming services such as Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix, and more to find available streams for the anime you search for.
Once you search for an anime on, it will show you available legal streaming options across different services where you can watch that show. This makes it easy to find where your desired anime is streaming legally instead of having to check each service yourself. If the anime currently has no legal streams available, offers recommendations for similar shows you may enjoy.
In addition to its search function, provides anime recommendations and a random anime button to help you discover new shows. It also has user profiles where you can track and rate the anime you've watched. focuses specifically on aggregating legal anime streams all in one place, making it a useful platform for anime fans looking to easily find where to watch their favorite shows online legally.
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