Find jobs, advance your career, and access millions of job listings with's career network and job search platform, featuring career advice, resume tips, and interview preparation resources. is an online career network and job search platform designed to connect job seekers with potential employers. Founded in 1999, helps over 60 million job seekers per month find jobs, research companies, and advance their careers.
The site provides access to millions of up-to-date job listings in a variety of industries and locations. Job seekers can search for openings, get matched with jobs based on their profile and resume, and apply directly on the platform. They can also create resumes, research salaries, and prepare for interviews.
In addition to job matching services, offers career advice articles, resume and cover letter templates, interview tips, and profiles of top companies. Users can explore career paths, learn in-demand skills, and connect with mentors in their field. also partners with universities and organizations to power their career centers. Features for partners include job, internship and talent sourcing platforms, analytics dashboards, and campus recruiting solutions.
The site generates revenue through employer job listings, recruiting solutions, and advertising. Employers can post jobs, search resumes, connect with candidates, and leverage analytics on their hiring funnel through paid subscriptions.
Key features of for job seekers include its large job database, advanced search and profile matching, career development resources, and options to connect with recruiters and mentors. For employers, key features revolve around talent sourcing, applicant tracking, and reporting capabilities to enhance recruitment efforts.
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