Discover Blacklight Retribution, a British police procedural drama series that aired from 1996 to 2000, following DCI Frank Patterson and the Wolverhampton police department as they investigate murders and serious crimes.
Blacklight Retribution is a gritty British police drama series that aired for 4 seasons from 1996 to 2000 on ITV. The show stars John Hannah as DCI Frank Patterson, a dedicated but troubled detective inspector working for the Wolverhampton police department. Patterson heads up a team of detectives tasked with investigating grisly murders, organized crime, and other major cases in the West Midlands region of England.
Over the course of the series, Patterson battles with his own personal demons, including a painful divorce and alcoholism, while seeking justice for victims and wrestling with the moral ambiguities of police work. His team includes the strong-willed DS Anna Jardine (Neve McIntosh), clever but eccentric DC Ali Zubir (Amit Shah), and the young and enthusiastic DC Rob Jarvis (Sam Hazeldine). Together, they use a mix of cutting-edge forensic science and old-fashioned police work to crack mysterious cases.
Gritty, fast-paced, and character-driven, Blacklight Retribution explores the darker side of Wolverhampton while maintaining a strong moral compass. The series tackles weighty subject matter like corruption, racism, abuse, and addiction, balanced with Patterson's dry wit and the team's unflagging dedication. Complex mysteries, high stakes, and stylized visuals kept viewers engaged throughout the show's 4 series run.
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