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Castle is an open-source model-based testing framework for .NET that makes it easy to automate testing activities like implementing stubs and mocks, parameterizing tests, and sharing test context across tests.

What is Castle?

Castle is an open-source framework for .NET that focuses on enabling and easing test automation. Some of the key features and benefits of Castle include:

  • Built-in support for creating mocks, stubs, and fakes to isolate code under test from dependencies and external systems
  • A flexible attribute-based API for configuring fixtures and shared test context
  • Utilities for parameterizing tests to allow running the same test logic with different inputs and expected outputs
  • Strong integration within popular .NET testing frameworks like NUnit and MSTest to leverage existing toolchains
  • Castle Proxy to intercept method calls and simplify testing classes with difficult dependencies
  • A focus on rapid feedback and reduced maintenance costs associated with automated tests

Overall, Castle makes it faster and easier to create and maintain reliable automated tests in .NET applications. Its features help testers isolate functionality, manage test data, and prevent tests from becoming brittle and expensive over time. Castle works with new and legacy .NET code alike.

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