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Splunk is a software platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data via a web-style interface. It provides real-time operational intelligence that enables organizations to collect, index, and harness data from websites, applications, sensors, devices, and other systems.

What is Splunk?

Splunk is a software platform that enables users to search, analyze, and visualize the data gathered from the infrastructure, systems, and applications of an organization. It captures, indexes, and correlates real-time data in a searchable repository from which it can generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards, and visualizations.

Some key features and capabilities of Splunk include:

  • Real-time processing and indexing of machine data from virtually any source
  • Ability to collect and analyze terabytes of system, application, web data on a daily basis
  • Powerful search processing language (SPL) and reporting engine
  • Prebuilt dashboards, reports, and alerts for common data analytics
  • Customizable dashboards, visualizations, and analytics apps
  • Anomaly and threshold detection for alerts
  • Integration with other data platforms like databases or cloud services

Splunk is widely used for applications such as log management, IT operations analytics, application management, business analytics, security, and compliance. It provides organizations valuable business insights from machine data that enable them to optimize systems, improve monitoring, boost revenues, mitigate risks, and reduce costs.

The Best Splunk Alternatives

Top Apps like Splunk

Netflix Stethoscope

Netflix Stethoscope is an open source web application security testing tool maintained by Netflix. It is designed to provide visibility into security issues and measure effective risk across Netflix accounts. Some key features of Netflix Stethoscope include:Automated security checks - It runs various tests to identify security misconfigurations, outdated...


Grafana is a feature-rich, open source analytics and monitoring visualization suite. It integrates tightly with a variety of database technologies like Graphite, Prometheus, InfluxDB, Elasticsearch, and more to allow for easy exploration and visualization of time series data. Some key capabilities and benefits of Grafana include:Intuitive graphical UI makes...


Graylog is an open source log management and analysis platform optimized for high volumes of machine-generated data. It collects, indexes, and analyzes log messages, events, and other time-series data from various systems and applications.Some key features and capabilities of Graylog include:Real-time processing and analysis of log data as...


Castle is an open-source framework for .NET that focuses on enabling and easing test automation. Some of the key features and benefits of Castle include:Built-in support for creating mocks, stubs, and fakes to isolate code under test from dependencies and external systemsA flexible attribute-based API for configuring fixtures and...


Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring and analytics platform for cloud applications. It provides complete visibility into dynamic infrastructures by aggregating metrics, events, and logs from servers, containers, databases, tools, and services. This allows Dev and Ops teams to quickly solve performance problems, prove the root cause of software bugs, spot...


Wazuh is an open source security monitoring solution built on top of OSSEC. It provides threat detection, compliance, and data protection capabilities. Some of the key features of Wazuh include:Log analysis - Analyzes logs from applications, operating systems, and devices to detect suspicious activity, intrusions, policy violations etc.File...


Loggly is a scalable log management and analytics platform designed for modern cloud-based applications and infrastructure. It allows developers, DevOps engineers, and IT operations teams to easily aggregate log data from servers, networks, applications, containers, and cloud services into a centralized cloud repository.Key capabilities and benefits of Loggly include...


Logsniffer is a useful open source web log analyzer software that helps website owners, developers and administrators visualize and monitor traffic coming to their sites. It works by processing standard web server log files like Apache and Nginx access logs and transforming the data into insightful statistics and charts.Some...

Nagios Log Server

Nagios Log Server is an open-source solution for log monitoring, analysis and alerting. It is designed to address the growing need for centralized log data and event monitoring in IT environments.Key features and capabilities include:Real-time log data aggregation from multiple sources like files, databases, network devices and morePowerful...


Dataminr is an innovative software platform that specializes in real-time information discovery and event detection from publicly available data sources. Founded in 2009, Dataminr leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to sift through social media posts, news reports, blogs, government filings, and other open data to identify high-impact events and...


Prometheus is an open source monitoring and alerting system optimized for containerized environments like Kubernetes. It provides real-time visibility into applications, infrastructure, and services running in an environment.Prometheus works by scraping and storing time series data from various systems and services. It collects metrics from targets using either a...


Papertrail is a cloud-based log management and analysis platform designed for infrastructure monitoring, application troubleshooting, and compliance reporting. It aggregates log data in real-time from servers, clouds, containers, and applications into a centralized, searchable web archive.Key features of Papertrail include:Real-time log streaming - Logs are streamed to Papertrail...


Fluentd is an open source data collector designed for processing data streams. It works by having input plugins that collect data from various sources, processing plugins that transform the data, and output plugins that send the data to various destinations.Some key features of Fluentd include:Unified logging layer -...


Humio is a log management and observability platform optimized for high-volume log data. It provides real-time log aggregation from various data sources, flexible querying using a SQL-like query language, and data visualization through dashboards and graphs.Key features of Humio include:Real-time ingestion and indexing of log data at high...


Logstash is an open source, server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite "stash."It is typically used as part of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for logging use cases. Logstash ingest data from various...

Better Stack Logs

Better Stack Logs is a robust logging and monitoring platform designed for software developers and IT operations teams. It aggregates application and system logs from multiple sources across an infrastructure into a unified dashboard with powerful search and filtering capabilities.Key features include:Collect logs from virtually any source -...


Samebug is a software debugging tool designed specifically for Java. It helps developers diagnose and fix exceptions and errors in their Java code by providing detailed explanations, solutions, and remediation advice.The core capability of Samebug is its stack trace search engine. When you submit a Java stack trace error...


SenseLogs is a user research and feedback platform designed to help product teams better understand user needs and pain points. The software provides an end-to-end solution for planning, conducting, and analyzing qualitative user research.Key features of SenseLogs include:Recruiting - Integrates with panel providers to recruit target users that...

Doctor Dump

Doctor Dump is an open source memory dump analysis tool designed for debugging, malware analysis, and reverse engineering. It provides powerful capabilities for analyzing crash dumps, process core dumps, and raw memory images on Windows, Linux, and macOS.Key features of Doctor Dump include:Parsing of crash dumps from various...

Sematext Logs

Sematext Logs is a centralized log management and analytics solution designed for infrastructure and application monitoring. It collects logs from various sources like databases, web servers, applications, cloud platforms etc., aggregates them, analyzes logs in real-time, and provides visibility through intuitive dashboards, smart analytics, and alerts.Key capabilities include:Real-time...


Sawmill is a powerful log analysis and reporting platform for IT administrators and developers. It collects log data from multiple sources across your infrastructure and applies intelligent parsing to extract meaningful information.With customizable dashboards and reports, Sawmill gives you visibility into application usage, user behavior, security threats, and more...


Octopussy is an open source log management and monitoring solution optimized for simplicity. It provides log aggregation from multiple sources, automatic parsing and analysis of log data, as well as visualization through dashboards and reports.Some key capabilities and benefits of Octopussy include:Centralized logging - Collect logs from various...


NXLog is an open source solution for log management, security information and event management (SIEM), and network security monitoring. It provides capabilities for log collection, processing, storage, search, reporting, and analysis.Some key features and capabilities of NXLog include:Multi-platform support - works on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Unix systems...


Webtrends is a powerful web analytics platform used by large enterprises to measure and optimize their digital marketing efforts. It provides comprehensive reporting on website, mobile app, and digital campaign performance.Key features of Webtrends include:In-depth analysis of site visitor behavior - where they come from, what pages they...

Syslog-ng Store Box

Syslog-ng Store Box (SSB) is an open-source log management and analysis solution developed by Balabit. It is designed to collect, process, store, search, and visualize high-volume log data from various sources.Some key capabilities and features of SSB include:High performance log collection over TCP, UDP, SNMP, and Apache KafkaDisk-based...


AlienVault is a cybersecurity software company that develops the AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) platform. USM integrates essential security capabilities into a single SaaS-based solution, enabling organizations to detect and respond to threats across cloud, on-premises and hybrid networks.Key features and capabilities of AlienVault USM include:Asset discovery -...


Timber is an open source WordPress plugin created by Upstatement that allows developers to build WordPress themes using the Twig PHP templating engine. It serves as a templating framework that integrates Twig into WordPress themes for a cleaner, more sustainable code base.Some of the key benefits of using Timber...


Scalyr is a log management and observability platform designed for monitoring, troubleshooting, and securing cloud-native infrastructure and applications. Key capabilities and features include:Real-time log, metric, and event collection from servers, containers, services, and applicationsPowerful search and filtering for rapid troubleshooting and forensic analysisCustomizable dashboards and alerts for proactive monitoringAutomatic...


Treblle is an API analytics and debugging platform designed specifically for developers and engineering teams. It allows you to easily monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize your APIs.Some key features and benefits of Treblle:Automatic API monitoring - Treblle automatically detects and starts monitoring your API traffic out of the box...

New Relic Insights

New Relic Insights is a powerful data analytics platform from New Relic that enables users to query, visualize, set alerts on and gain insights from their telemetry data. It can ingest data from New Relic products such as APM, Browser, Synthetics, and Infrastructure, as well as from other sources via...


Gravwell is an open source log analytics and security monitoring platform designed specifically for high-performance log collection, indexing, and search across massive datasets. It ingests logs, network traffic, and other machine-generated data at very high speeds and provides real-time search and analytics capabilities.Some key features and capabilities of Gravwell...


SIEMonster is a security information and event management (SIEM) solution tailored for small and medium businesses. It gives organizations greater visibility into their IT infrastructure and applications to detect cyberthreats and data breaches early. Key capabilities include:Real-time collection and correlation of log data from networks, endpoints, cloud services and...


Datadeck is a business intelligence and data analytics platform designed to make working with data accessible for users of all technical skill levels. It provides an intuitive graphical interface that allows anyone to easily connect to data sources like databases, cloud apps, Excel, etc., and visualize and explore that data...


Moesif is an API analytics and monitoring platform designed to help companies understand user behavior and identify issues quickly. It captures comprehensive metadata, logs and monitors API traffic between applications, services, and users to provide deep insights into usage, errors, demographics and more.Key features of Moesif include:Automatic API...


LogLogic is a comprehensive log management and analytics platform designed for enterprises. It collects and aggregates log data from across an organization's entire IT infrastructure including servers, networks, security devices, operating systems and applications. Key capabilities of LogLogic include:Real-time log monitoring and analysis to detect anomalies and threatsInteractive search...

Support.com Nexus

Support.com Nexus is a comprehensive remote support and IT management software designed for managed service providers (MSPs), corporate IT departments, and help desk teams. It provides a single pane of glass to deliver remote support, manage IT assets, automate tasks, and monitor critical systems.Key features of Nexus include...

GFI EventsManager

GFI EventsManager is a comprehensive log and event management solution designed to help organizations monitor IT infrastructure activity, achieve compliance objectives, and detect threats. Some key features include:Centralized logging - Collect and store logs from across your network including Windows, Linux, network devices and more in one secure location...


SiteCatalyst (now called Adobe Analytics) is a premier web analytics platform used by large enterprises to analyze website traffic and visitor behavior. It provides in-depth and customizable reporting on key metrics like page views, bounce rates, conversion rates, revenue per visitor, and return on investment.Some key features of SiteCatalyst...


SpectX is a free, open-source software designed for real-time audio spectral analysis and visualization. It allows users to visualize a spectrogram - a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies - in real-time as audio is played. Some of the key features of SpectX include:Real-time spectrogram generation from any...


ExtraHop is a network detection and response (NDR) platform that helps organizations gain operational intelligence about their IT environments. It provides real-time analytics and visibility into network activity across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures.ExtraHop automatically discovers devices communicating on the network and collects L2-L7 data, including transactions, protocols...


Barricade is a comprehensive parental control and digital wellbeing platform that helps parents manage their children's screen time better. It has powerful app blocking, website filtering, and time limit features that give granular control over when and how kids can use their devices.Some key features of Barricade include:Set...

Oracle Business Indicators

Oracle Business Indicators is a robust business intelligence and analytics solution from Oracle. It enables organizations to track key performance indicators (KPIs), create interactive dashboards, and generate insightful reports to monitor performance and identify issues and opportunities.Key features of Oracle Business Indicators include:Pre-built KPIs and dashboards for all...


Logscape is a log management and analytics platform designed to help IT teams aggregate, analyze, and visualize machine data from across their infrastructure and applications. Some key capabilities and benefits of Logscape include:Real-time log aggregation from physical servers, virtual machines, cloud platforms, containers, network devices, and more using lightweight...


Logmatic.io is a cloud-based log management and analytics platform designed for developers and IT teams. It provides the ability to aggregate logs and events from across an infrastructure into a single location for analysis and troubleshooting.Key features of Logmatic.io include:Real-time streaming of logs and events using...


CloudPelican is a innovative cloud-based document management and file sharing service designed to help teams collaborate and share files easily and securely. Here are some key capabilities of CloudPelican:Cloud-based storage - Store all your business documents, images, videos and more in the cloud. Access them from anywhere on any...


OTUS SIEM is a security information and event management platform purpose-built for enterprises that need to manage IT infrastructure at scale. It collects log and event data from across an organization's networks, endpoints, cloud services, and other systems.Powerful analytics help OTUS SIEM detect advanced threats and zero-day attacks while...


XpoLog is a comprehensive cloud-based logistics management software designed for shippers, third-party logistics providers (3PLs), freight brokers, and carriers. It features robust transportation management, warehouse management, order management, and inventory management tools to help streamline operations.Key capabilities and benefits of XpoLog include:Transportation management - automates planning, execution, tracking...


Mothership is a cloud-based project management and collaboration software designed for agile teams. It provides a variety of features to help organize work and enable effective teamwork:Task management with kanban boards to visualize work status and progressFile sharing and cloud storage to centralize team documents and filesTime tracking to...


SureLog is an open-source tool for analyzing and verifying Verilog and SystemVerilog code. It provides several key capabilities:Linting - SureLog can check code for compliance with coding style guidelines, usage of deprecated language features, potential syntax errors, and other common issues.Semantic checks - It understands the semantics of...

Loom Systems

Loom Systems is an AI-powered IT operations (AIOps) platform designed to help enterprises monitor, analyze, and optimize their IT environments. The software uses machine learning and predictive analytics to provide actionable insights across infrastructure and applications.Key capabilities and benefits of Loom Systems include:Intelligent monitoring and alerting - Automatically...

FireEye Threat Analytics Platform

The FireEye Threat Analytics Platform is an enterprise-grade cybersecurity solution designed to provide comprehensive protection, detection, and response capabilities against cyber threats. It leverages data from multiple security vectors like network traffic, endpoints, emails, and more to deliver full visibility into threats across the entire attack lifecycle.Key capabilities of...


ErrorFeed is a robust error and exception monitoring software used by developers and IT teams to track errors and crashes in web and mobile applications. It gives real-time alerting about app issues and integrates seamlessly with platforms like JavaScript, .NET, Java, Ruby, PHP and more.Key features include:Real-time error...

RST Cloud

RST Cloud is a cloud-based document creation, collaboration, and publishing platform used by organizations to streamline the creation and distribution of business documents. It provides real-time co-authoring capabilities so multiple people can work on documents simultaneously from any device.Key features of RST Cloud include:Intuitive WYSIWYG editor for creating...

BMC End User Experience Management

BMC End User Experience Management (EUE) is an IT monitoring and analytics platform designed to proactively monitor and optimize end user digital experiences across complex, hybrid environments. Key capabilities include:Real-time and historic visibility into end user, application, and infrastructure performance.AIOps driven detection, analysis, and remediation of performance issues...


SwiftStack is a software-defined, enterprise storage solution designed specifically for unstructured data and cloud storage environments. It works by decoupling storage resources from the underlying hardware, allowing companies to build outage-resistant infrastructure that can scale limitlessly.Key capabilities and benefits of SwiftStack include:Unified management of file and object storage...


S4NITY is an open-source cybersecurity platform designed to provide greater network visibility, speed up threat detection and incident response, and simplify security operations. It ingests data from multiple sources across the IT environment and correlates events to spot risks and anomalies.Key capabilities include:Network traffic analysis - Inspects...


Kuoll is an open-source knowledge management and collaboration platform that helps teams organize information and discussions in customizable workspaces. It is designed to be self-hosted on your own server for improved security and control over your data.Some of the key features Kuoll offers include:Wikis - Create wiki pages...


Chronix is an open-source time series database specifically optimized for storing and analyzing large amounts of time-stamped data such as metrics and diagnostic events generated by applications, systems, and devices. It was originally created by Florian Lautenschlager as part of his PhD research at the University of Konstanz in Germany...

Blue Matador

Blue Matador is a cloud-native monitoring and observability platform optimized for modern infrastructure and applications. It provides real-time monitoring, alerting, log analysis, incident investigation, and integration with popular DevOps tools and services.Key features of Blue Matador include:Automatic discovery of infrastructure, containers, services, and applicationsOut-of-the-box monitoring for common technologies...


Devo is a scalable and cloud-native security analytics platform that enables organizations to make faster and better informed security decisions. It allows you to analyze all your machine data from across your hybrid IT infrastructure, including logs, networks, endpoints, Cloud services, IoT devices, applications, and more.Key capabilities and benefits...


SpectrumApp is a versatile digital painting and drawing software application designed for Windows and macOS platforms. It offers an intuitive and customizable workspace for artists and graphics designers of all skill levels.Key features of SpectrumApp include:Over 1000 realistic and naturalistic brushes spanning a variety of digital media types like...