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SpectX is an open-source spectrogram software used for visualizing spectral analysis. It features real-time audio visualization, high customizability, and support for plug-ins.

What is SpectX?

SpectX is a free, open-source software designed for real-time audio spectral analysis and visualization. It allows users to visualize a spectrogram - a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies - in real-time as audio is played. Some of the key features of SpectX include:

  • Real-time spectrogram generation from any audio input source
  • Support for visualizing both narrow and wide range of frequencies
  • Highly customizable interface with ability to modify colors, scale, axis etc.
  • Capability to analyze both live and recorded audio files
  • Export visualized spectrograms as image files
  • Cross-platform compatibility across Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Plugin architecture to extend functionality via custom plug-ins

With an intuitive graphical interface, multi-platform support and flexible customization options, SpectX is an excellent open-source spectrogram software for scientific audio analysis by acoustic engineers, music producers, researchers and hobbyists alike.

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