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Scalyr is a log management and observability platform designed for monitoring, troubleshooting, and securing cloud-native infrastructure and applications. It ingests logs, metrics, and events to provide visibility into systems and enable faster incident response.

What is Scalyr?

Scalyr is a log management and observability platform designed for monitoring, troubleshooting, and securing cloud-native infrastructure and applications. Key capabilities and features include:

  • Real-time log, metric, and event collection from servers, containers, services, and applications
  • Powerful search and filtering for rapid troubleshooting and forensic analysis
  • Customizable dashboards and alerts for proactive monitoring
  • Automatic parsing and tagging of log data
  • Long-term archiving for compliance and security analytics
  • High availability with failover for resilience
  • Role-based access control for teams
  • Integration with popular DevOps tools and cloud platforms

Scalyr aims to provide a centralized platform for gaining full stack observability across complex, dynamic infrastructure. Its strength lies in scalable and high performance log management capabilities. It ingests high volume streams of machine data, automatically processes it, and enables users to interactively search, analyze, and visualize the data to address operational issues faster.

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Grafana Loki

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