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Sematext Logs

Sematext Logs is a log management and analytics platform that aggregates logs from various sources, analyzes them, and provides insights through dashboards, alerts, and visualizations. It can handle any log format and allows searching through petabytes of log data in seconds.

What is Sematext Logs?

Sematext Logs is a centralized log management and analytics solution designed for infrastructure and application monitoring. It collects logs from various sources like databases, web servers, applications, cloud platforms etc., aggregates them, analyzes logs in real-time, and provides visibility through intuitive dashboards, smart analytics, and alerts.

Key capabilities include:

  • Real-time log analytics through pattern recognition, statistics, and machine learning algorithms
  • Ability to integrate logs from multiple sources like Elasticsearch, Solr, databases, apps
  • NoSQL log storage optimized for fast log queries and analytics
  • Prebuilt dashboards for popular apps and ability to create custom dashboards
  • Smart alerting based on log patterns and metrics thresholds
  • Scales easily to handle terabytes of daily log data with fast search capabilities
  • Role-based access control and security features

Sematext Logs enables Dev and Ops teams to quickly detect issues, troubleshoot faster, identify trends and patterns, optimize app performance, meet compliance requirements and reduce costs with consolidated log management and analytics.

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