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Mothership is a cloud-based project management and team collaboration software. It includes features like task management, file sharing, time tracking, group chat, calendars, and more to help teams organize projects and work together effectively.

What is Mothership?

Mothership is a cloud-based project management and collaboration software designed for agile teams. It provides a variety of features to help organize work and enable effective teamwork:

  • Task management with kanban boards to visualize work status and progress
  • File sharing and cloud storage to centralize team documents and files
  • Time tracking to monitor time spent on tasks and projects
  • Group chat and direct messaging for team communication
  • Shared calendars, reminders, and scheduling tools
  • Customizable workflows, forms, and reports
  • Third-party app integrations with tools like Slack, Gmail, Dropbox, and more

Mothership aims to provide an all-in-one solution to plan and organize team projects, collaborate with team members, track work status and progress, and optimize team productivity. Its intuitive interface and flexibility to customize make it easy for agile teams to adopt. Robust access controls and administrative features provide oversight for project managers while supporting the needs of team members and stakeholders.

By centralizing teamwork into a single online platform with a rich feature set tailored for project collaboration, Mothership enables teams to work more efficiently together towards common goals.

The Best Mothership Alternatives

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