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Codechef is a competitive programming community and website where programmers can practice coding problems and submit solutions to compete in programming contests. It features over 50,000 coders from across the world.

What is Codechef?

Codechef is an online competitive programming platform created in 2009. It brings together programmers from across the world to solve coding problems and challenges. Codechef aims to provide a place for programmers to enhance their coding skills.

On Codechef, registered participants can participate in various programming contests and submit solutions to coding problems across multiple programming languages like C++, Java, Python etc. Performance and rankings incentivize members to constantly improve their coding abilities. There are monthly cooking contests for those new to competitive coding as well regular contests for experienced coders.

Apart from contests, Codechef has a practice section consisting of over 15000 questions across difficulty levels - school, easy, medium, hard and challenge. Members can code solutions, test against multiple test cases and post questions for community assistance. There is also a Discuss section for peer interaction through forums.

Overall, Codechef serves as a gamified platform for encouraging coders to be better at programming with regular contests, coding problems archive and peer community.

The Best Codechef Alternatives

Top Apps like Codechef

LeetCode, Codewars, Edabit, HackerRank, Codier, Coderbyte, Topcoder, CodeSignal, Codeforces, Binary Search, DMOJ, Spoj are some alternatives to Codechef.


LeetCode is an online platform used by software engineers to prepare for technical coding interviews. With a database of over 2,500 questions, it allows users to practice coding interview questions on data structures, algorithms, object-oriented design, databases, and more. LeetCode questions are modeled after real coding interview questions asked at top...


Codewars is an online community and learning tool for computer programming. It provides code challenges known as kata which are ranked from 8 (easiest) to 1 (hardest) based on difficulty. The core premise is to train users to improve their coding skills by solving these programming challenges.After signing up for a...


Edabit is an interactive platform designed to help people learn and practice coding. It offers a large collection of bite-sized coding challenges and exercises across multiple programming languages including Python, JavaScript, Java, Ruby, C++, and more.The interactive challenges on Edabit allow users to write and test short code snippets...


HackerRank is an online platform and community where developers can sharpen their coding skills. Founded in 2011, HackerRank offers practice problems and competitive programming challenges across a variety of domains and programming languages. Developers use the platform to prepare for programming interviews, compete in code contests, collaborate on coding, and build...


Codier is a popular open-source code editor and integrated development environment (IDE) optimized for web development. It comes packed with features that improve developer productivity such as:Syntax highlighting for major programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, and moreIntelligent code completion and validation to speed up codingBuilt-in...


Coderbyte is an online learning and assessment platform designed to help developers improve their programming skills and prepare for technical interviews. It was founded in 2011 with the goal of providing an interactive way for developers to practice coding outside of a classroom environment.The platform features over 200 coding challenges and...


Topcoder is an online platform and open community that connects businesses with a global network of developers, designers, data scientists, and competitive programmers. Founded in 2001, Topcoder pioneered the crowdsourcing model by offering businesses the ability to tap into the skills and expertise of its large community members through competitive programming...


CodeSignal is an online coding platform designed to help software engineers prepare for technical interviews and assessments. Founded in 2014, CodeSignal provides a suite of tools to improve coding skills, practice solving programming challenges, and demonstrate abilities to potential employers.Some key features of CodeSignal include:Coding challenges - A vast...


Codeforces is an online platform designed for hosting competitive programming contests. It was launched in 2010 by a team of competitive programmers from Saratov State University in Russia.Some key features and information about Codeforces:Hosts regular contests focused on algorithms and data structures, with contests ranging from Div. 1 (highest/hardest...

Binary Search

Binary search is an algorithm for searching sorted data structures efficiently. It works by using a divide-and-conquer approach to narrow down the region where the target value may be present:The algorithm begins by comparing the target value to the middle element of the entire sorted data set.If the...


DMOJ, short for Don Mills Online Judge, is an open source automated judging system designed specifically for hosting competitive programming contests. It was created by quantum5 and a group of competitive programmers to provide an easy way for contest organizers to host programming competitions without needing to handle the complexity...


Spoj (Sphere Online Judge) is an online platform for hosting programming competitions and allowing programmers to practice solving coding problems. It has a vast repository of over 20,000 programming problems spanning multiple domains like algorithms, math, combinatorics, game theory, strings, data structures etc.Programmers can choose problems as per their expertise...