Virtual office software for remote teams, featuring video conferencing, screen sharing, chat, kanban boards, and virtual rooms to boost collaboration and productivity.
Cowork is a virtual office platform designed to enable remote teams to collaborate as if they were in a real office. It brings the physical office experience into the digital realm by providing various tools and spaces for communication, task management, and bonding between team members.
With Cowork, teams can create virtual rooms to simulate departments or areas of an office. Cowork spaces support video calls so coworkers can see each other face-to-face. The platform also allows screen sharing so employees can easily discuss projects and edit documents together in real-time. For more casual conversations, Cowork offers group chat features and a virtual watercooler space.
To keep everyone on track with tasks and projects, Cowork provides digital kanban boards for listing and prioritizing to-do items. Teams can create multiple boards to organize work for different clients, campaigns, or initiatives. The software also integrates with various workplace apps like Google Workspace, Trello, Figma, Github, and more.
Cowork aims to nurture company culture, relationships, and transparency despite teams being distributed across locations. It brings the human connection into remote collaboration through its various spaces like virtual lunch tables, digital high-fives, and customizable emoji reactions during chats or video meetings.
With its comprehensive set of tools and spaces, Cowork enables small to large teams collaborate seamlessly while working remotely. The platform recreates not just the work processes but also the ambient aspects of sharing a physical workspace.