5,000+ documentaries, history, science, nature, ad-free streaming, web, iOS, Android subscription-based service
Documentary Hub is a streaming video on demand service specializing in documentary films and series. Launched in 2019, Documentary Hub has quickly grown its library to over 5,000 documentaries covering a diverse range of topics including history, science, nature, biographies, arts, politics, and more.
The service offers ad-free streaming across web, iOS, Android, and popular connected TV platforms. Users can browse by category or search for specific titles. The platform offers personalized recommendations based on viewing history and maintains regularly updated curated lists like most popular, critically acclaimed, festival favorites, and award winners.
Documentary Hub produces some original documentaries but most of its library consists of licensed titles from well-known production companies like the BBC, National Geographic, PBS, Discovery, and independent filmmakers. The company continues to expand its catalog each month while maintaining a strong focus on curation and quality over quantity.
The service is subscription-based and available worldwide for a monthly fee. Users can stream an unlimited amount of titles in HD quality with ability to download for offline viewing. Documentary Hub offers competitive pricing aimed to appeal to documentary enthusiasts and casual viewers alike. It's frequent recommendations and well-designed interface encourage discovery and allow users to find compelling films and series across a wide spectrum of documentary styles and subjects.