A free online bibliography and citation tool for students, allowing manual entry of citation info or automatic generation from URLs or book barcodes in APA and MLA formats.
EasyBib is a free online bibliography and citation tool designed to help students create properly formatted bibliographies and cite sources accurately when writing research papers. It is very user-friendly and easy to use, making it ideal for high school or college-level writing assignments.
Users simply enter the details of their sources manually, or EasyBib can automatically generate a citation from a website URL, book barcode, or other identifying information. It supports various formatting styles including APA, MLA, Chicago, and more. Students can then organize those citations, add notes and annotations, print or download them.
Key features of EasyBib include:
Overall, EasyBib is an essential free resource to help students properly cite sources in research assignments and format bibliographies accurately according to the required style guide. With an intuitive interface and extensive automatic citation capabilities, EasyBib simplifies the bibliography process so students can focus on the quality of their papers.
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