Hex Colors

Hex Colors

Hex Colors is a simple web app that allows users to easily get information on hex color codes. It includes a color picker tool to select colors visually and convert them to hex codes.
Hex Colors image
color-picker hex-codes web-app

Hex Colors: Color Picker Tool

A simple web app to easily get information on hex color codes, with a visual color picker tool for quick conversions

What is Hex Colors?

Hex Colors is a free web application designed to make working with hex color codes easier for designers, developers, and anyone who needs an easy way to find, adjust, and convert color values. The app has a simple, clean interface with the key features prominently displayed:

  • Color picker tool - Select any color visually and instantly get the hex code
  • Color info panel - See the rgb, hsl, and cmyk values for a hex code and vice versa
  • Color shades generator - Input a hex code and get various darker and lighter shades
  • Contrast checker - Check if two colors meet WCAG color contrast requirements
  • Favorite colors section - Save frequently used colors for easy access

With its intuitive tools and minimal design, Hex Colors aims to simplify an aspect of design and development work that can be complex and tedious. Whether you're trying to find the right shade of blue or ensure your site meets accessibility standards, this app makes color-wrangling a little easier.

Hex Colors Features


  1. Color picker tool
  2. Hex code lookup
  3. Color palette generator
  4. Contrast checker
  5. Color blindness simulator


  • Freemium


Simple and easy to use interface

Helpful for web developers and designers

Includes useful tools like palette generator

Free to use with no ads


Limited features compared to more robust design tools

Doesn"t allow saving or exporting color palettes

No native mobile app

The Best Hex Colors Alternatives

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Free HTML Color Picker

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