Compare hotel prices and amenities from different booking sites like Expedia,, and Priceline with, a reliable hotel search engine. is a metasearch engine specifically for finding and booking hotel rooms online. It allows users to search across major online travel agencies (OTAs) like Expedia,, Priceline, and more to compare hotel prices and amenities in one place.
After entering destination and travel dates, Hoteloogle displays results sorted by price, star rating, guest rating or distance from landmarks. The search results showcase rooms and rates across different sites along with important details like room types, cancellation policies, amenities and reviews. Users can filter search results by price, star rating, landmarks, hotel name and more.
By aggregating rates and availability from the major OTAs, Hoteloogle aims to save users time and money in finding the ideal hotel. The interface allows travelers to quickly scan different sites to compare rates and pick the option matching their budget and preferences. Once the perfect room is found, users can simply click through to the OTA to complete booking.
In addition to basic search and filtering options, Hoteloogle provides travel guides and articles that give destination ideas, travel tips and inspiration for trip planning. For frequent travelers, they offer discounted loyalty rates not publicly available on the OTAs themselves.
Overall, Hoteloogle streamlines hotel search and booking across platforms. The metasearch approach and simplified display of pertinent hotel details enable faster research and decision making by travelers looking to book rooms online.
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