Free public domain audiobooks available for download, produced by volunteers through the LibriVox website in MP3 format.
LibriVox is a non-profit volunteer based digital library that provides free public domain audiobooks. Founded in 2005, LibriVox operates on the efforts of volunteers from around the world who record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files on the LibriVox website for free downloading or streaming.
The audiobooks from LibriVox are recordings of volunteers reading works that are in the public domain, so no restrictions or licensing fees apply to them. This allows LibriVox to offer a library of over 20,000 audiobooks across many languages and genres, from classic literature to history books to children's stories and more. Volunteers sign up to read chapters or sections of a book, editing the recordings together into a complete audiobook.
LibriVox has very lightweight publishing requirements for its volunteers, relying on self-policing to maintain quality. Listeners can provide feedback on audiobook recordings using an online forum to help improve them. Overall, LibriVox provides a way for people to access a wide variety of audiobooks for free while also giving volunteers a way to contribute recordings back to the community.
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