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Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is an online library containing over 60,000 free eBooks. The eBooks are available in epub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. The library focuses on public domain content.

What is Project Gutenberg?

Project Gutenberg is a digital library founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart. It is the oldest digital library and one of the largest collections of free eBooks. The library contains over 60,000 free eBooks that are available without any restrictions.

The goal of Project Gutenberg is to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks by providing free access to books in the public domain. All the eBooks are focused on public domain content that can be legally shared and distributed.

The format of eBooks in Project Gutenberg include epub, Kindle, HTML and simple text formats. This allows the eBooks to be accessible on most digital devices. Users can download and read the eBooks on eReaders, tablets, phones and computers.

Project Gutenberg relies on volunteers to help proofread and format eBooks to add to the library. Readers can also make donations to help support the costs associated with bandwidth, hardware, domain names and developing the archive.

Overall, Project Gutenberg is an excellent resource for readers looking to expand their access to free classic literature and public domain content. With over 60,000 titles, there is a vast catalog of eBooks spanning different genres and time periods to explore.

The Best Project Gutenberg Alternatives

Top Apps like Project Gutenberg

PDF Drive, Amazon Kindle, Scribd,, Apple Books, Internet Archive, Google Play Books, Ebookee, PDF Room,, Issuu, Epic!, LibriVox,,, Raz-Kids, Open Culture, Ebook Searcher, Yudu,, MortPlayer Audio Books, Books-A-Trillion, PDFBooksWorld, Global Grey ebooks,, Myne (eBook), Directory of Open Access Journals, Bookys, Standard Ebooks, Freebook Sifter, Magzter, YouScribe, Issuhub, Feedbooks Public Domain, Madmagz, PageFlip-Flap, Bookoid, Forgotten Books,, Linksoutside,, BrainAB, IndiaBookStore, YouPublish, BookCrossing Core, Centless Books, BookScavenge,, keosk., Vivilio are some alternatives to Project Gutenberg.

PDF Drive

PDF Drive is a popular free online platform that focuses on PDF file management and conversion services. Launched in 2012, it has quickly become one of the top web destinations for working with PDF documents.The main highlight of PDF Drive is its reliable document conversion feature. Users can effortlessly convert...

Amazon Kindle

The Amazon Kindle is a series of e-readers designed and marketed by Amazon. The Kindle devices allow users to browse, buy, download, and read e-books, newspapers, magazines and other digital media via wireless networking to the Kindle Store. The hardware platform, which Amazon subsidiaries develop and manufacture, consists of devices...


Scribd is an online subscription service launched in 2007 that offers users access to an extensive digital library of over 100 million ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, and more. It has been referred to as the 'Netflix for books' due to its flat-rate monthly fee model that allows unlimited reading and listening across... is a large online repository of free scholarly books, articles, and other documents. The website aims to provide open and uncomplicated access to knowledge for people around the world.It hosts an extensive library of content, with over 82 million articles and books on scientific topics such as physics...

Apple Books

Apple Books (previously known as iBooks) is an ebook and audiobook reading and store application developed by Apple. It comes pre-installed on iOS and macOS devices and allows users to browse, purchase, download, and read books and audiobooks directly on their Apple devices.Some key features of Apple Books include...

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library that was founded in 1996 to offer permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections in digital format. It hosts over 30 petabytes of data collected from websites, software, books, music, movies, and billions of archived...

Google Play Books

Google Play Books is an ebook and audiobook app and store developed and offered by Google. It allows users to browse, purchase, download, and read ebooks and listen to audiobooks on Android, iOS, and web browsers.Some key features of Google Play Books include:Access to millions of ebook and...


Ebookee is a free ebook search engine and aggregator that allows users to easily find and download ebooks from various sites across the internet. It does not host ebook files itself, but rather crawls ebook sites and indexes links to ebook downloads, providing a centralized search engine for users to...

PDF Room

PDF Room is an online PDF editor that provides a suite of tools for managing, editing, annotating and collaborating on PDF documents through any web browser. It aims to offer a cheaper, more accessible alternative to premium desktop PDF editors like Adobe Acrobat.Key features of PDF Room include:View... is a free ebook and file sharing website that provides access to a massive collection of books, academic papers, magazines, comics, audiobooks and more. Launched in 2009, it has grown to become one of the largest repositories of free digital content on the web.The platform allows users to...


Issuu is an online digital publishing and document sharing platform that allows users to upload, publish, and share PDFs, images, presentations, and other types of documents as online publications. It acts as an alternative to traditional print media by offering an easy conversion of print assets to digital format with...


Epic! is a leading digital library designed specifically for kids ages 12 and under. With over 35,000 high-quality books, audiobooks, videos and quizzes, Epic! fosters literacy and learning in a fun, safe and advertising-free environment.Epic! can be used by kids independently or together with parents and teachers. The ever-expanding library spans...


LibriVox is a non-profit volunteer based digital library that provides free public domain audiobooks. Founded in 2005, LibriVox operates on the efforts of volunteers from around the world who record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files on the LibriVox website for free downloading or streaming... is an online ebook store founded in 2000 that focuses on selling ebooks for consumers. They have developed partnerships with over 1,500 publishers which allows them to have an ebook catalog containing over 3 million titles in a variety of formats including PDF, EPUB, and others that work across devices like... is a popular free ebook search engine and directory that allows users to find and download free ebooks from various websites. It features a large database of free ebook titles across a wide range of genres and topics including fiction, non-fiction, academic, textbooks, classics, and more.Some key...


Raz-Kids is an award-winning online reading resource that provides a library of interactive ebooks and corresponding quizzes for students in grades K-5. It is designed to foster independent reading skills in elementary school students through leveled books, comprehensive reporting for teachers, and rewards-based motivation for students.Key features of Raz-Kids...

Open Culture

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Ebook Searcher

Ebook Searcher is a free, open-source ebook manager and library software. It allows you to easily search through multiple ebook websites and sources to find free ebooks to download to your computer or ereader.Some of the key features include:Intuitive interface for searching by keyword, author, title, genre, etc...


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MortPlayer Audio Books

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Books-A-Trillion is an online bookstore founded in 2002 that offers an extensive selection of new and used books at discounted prices. With a catalog of over 15 million book titles across a wide variety of subjects and genres, Books-A-Trillion markets itself as having the largest inventory of books available online.The website...


PDFBooksWorld is a powerful yet easy-to-use online PDF converter and editor. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, it allows anyone to quickly convert PDF files into editable Word docs, plain text, HTML, JPG images, and more.One of the standout features of PDFBooksWorld is its batch PDF converting functionality. You can...

Global Grey ebooks

Global Grey ebooks is an online library that provides free access to over 5,000 public domain ebooks in PDF, EPUB, Kindle, and HTML formats. The site covers a diverse selection of titles across fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, and more. A key focus of Global Grey is making otherwise hard-to-find literature freely... is a free online document management and sharing platform. It allows users to securely upload, store, organize, share, and access files and documents from any web browser.With, users get 2GB of free cloud storage space to store all their documents. It supports uploading files and...

Myne (eBook)

Myne is an open-source eBook reader and library management app for Android. It provides an intuitive interface for organizing, reading, and syncing eBook libraries across devices.Some key features of Myne include:Support for common eBook formats like EPUB, MOBI, PDF, etc.Library management tools for sorting, tagging, searching booksReading...

Directory of Open Access Journals

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Bookys is an open-source, cross-platform eBook manager and reader application. It is designed to help you organize, catalog, and read your collection of eBooks from one convenient app.Some of the key features of Bookys include:Library management - Import your existing eBook files, add metadata and covers automatically or...

Standard Ebooks

Standard Ebooks is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit project that produces high quality ebook editions of public domain texts. The project started in 2017 with the goal of producing properly formatted, consistently styled, and well-designed ebooks to improve readability and access to classic literature.Standard Ebooks focuses on public domain works that...

Freebook Sifter

Freebook Sifter is a free, open-source ebook management program that helps users organize, search, access, and read their digital book collections. It works by allowing users to upload ebooks in formats like EPUB, MOBI, PDF, etc. and automatically extracts metadata like title, author, genres, descriptions, covers, etc.Some key features...


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YouScribe is an online document management and publishing platform designed for businesses, teams, and individuals. The service provides tools to create, edit, store, organize, share, publish and track documents online.Some key features of YouScribe include:Cloud storage and organization - Store documents in the cloud and access them from...


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Feedbooks Public Domain

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Madmagz is an user-friendly online publishing and design platform used to create visually engaging interactive digital magazines, catalogs, yearbooks, brochures, and more. With a wide selection of professionally-designed templates, drag-and-drop editing tools, and customization options, anyone can produce high-quality digital publications even without advanced design skills.Key features include:Intuitive...


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Bookoid is an open-source ebook management software designed to help users organize, catalog, and track their personal ebook libraries. It provides a range of features to manage both ebooks that have been purchased as well as users' own documents.Some key features of Bookoid include:Importing ebooks in various formats...

Forgotten Books

Forgotten Books is a free online library offering over 2 million books for download in PDF, EPUB and Kindle formats. Its vast collection includes public domain books as well as user-contributed books across a diverse range of genres such as fiction, non-fiction, academic texts, children's literature, religious texts and more.As... is a free online document management and file sharing platform suitable for personal use as well as for teams and businesses. It provides secure cloud-based storage for all file types along with features to enhance collaboration.Key features of include:Cloud-based storage - Store files securely...


Linksoutside is a cloud-based link management and sharing platform designed for teams and organizations. It provides a central place to store, organize, manage, and track all your links.Key features include:Link organizing with tags, lists, and foldersTeam collaboration tools like shared link lists and permissionsLink analytics to see which... is a user-friendly ecommerce platform designed to make it easy for small businesses and entrepreneurs to create professional online stores. Some key features of include:Intuitive store builder with pre-made templates and themes - No coding skills required to launch a shop.Product management tools -...


BrainAB is an innovative no-code AI platform that empowers anyone to build, train and deploy machine learning models and chatbots without writing any code. It features an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface that allows users to quickly construct ML pipelines, collect quality training data, and integrate the models into web and mobile...


IndiaBookStore is an Indian online bookstore founded in 2008 that focuses on selling books published in India. With its headquarters in New Delhi, IndiaBookStore has become one of the largest online retailers for Indian publications over the last decade.The online store stocks over 500,000 books covering a wide range of genres...


YouPublish is an open source content management system designed specifically for publishing blogs, magazines, newspapers, and other types of publications online. It provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that allows publishers to quickly create visually appealing websites without needing to know any coding.Some key features of YouPublish include:Intuitive editor...

BookCrossing Core

BookCrossing Core is an open source web application designed to track books across readers in order to support a global book sharing community. It uses either a unique BookCrossing ID or the ISBN number to identify and register books, allowing users to release registered books into the wild for others...

Centless Books

Centless Books is an free, open-source application designed for managing digital book collections. It provides an intuitive interface for organizing, browsing, and reading your ebooks.Some key features of Centless Books include:Automatic downloading of metadata and coversCustomizable tags, collections, and virtual shelves for organizing your libraryFull-text and metadata search...


BookScavenge is an open-source, cross-platform ebook management tool for Windows, Mac and Linux. It allows you to easily catalog and organize your ebook collection with support for metadata, covers, series, virtual libraries, tags, ratings and reviews.Key features of BookScavenge include:Intuitive user interface for managing even large ebook librariesBulk... is a free online library offering over 50,000 free eBooks to read online or download. Founded in 2004, it features public domain books as well as recently released titles that authors have chosen to give away or donate.The site makes finding free eBooks easy with a clean, simple interface...


Keosk is an open-source software solution for creating digital kiosks or public access devices. It provides a locked-down, customizable interface that restricts usage to only the specific apps, websites, or functions that an administrator configures.Some key features of Keosk include:Cross-platform compatibility - works on Windows, Mac OS, and...


Vivilio is a free and open-source video editing software suitable for beginners and professionals alike. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.With its easy-to-use interface, Vivilio allows you to import various video, audio and image formats including MP4, MOV, AVI and more. You can then trim, splice...