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Yudu is a cloud-based digital publishing software that allows users to easily create interactive online publications such as magazines, catalogs, reports, and books. It provides various templates and design tools for customization.

What is Yudu?

Yudu is a user-friendly cloud-based digital publishing platform designed for businesses and creative professionals to help them create and publish appealing interactive online publications without needing technical skills or coding knowledge. It is an end-to-end solution that handles everything from design to hosting.

With Yudu, users can create publications such as magazines, catalogs, brochures, books, reports, newsletters, and more using intuitive drag-and-drop editing tools and professional templates. Key features include:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor with various templates, fonts, images, videos, animations, shapes, text, links, etc. for customization
  • Options to embed multimedia, hyperlinks, and other interactive elements
  • Collaboration tools for working with teams and external contributors
  • Responsive output ensuring optimal viewing across all devices
  • Automated print option to easily order physical copies
  • Monetization tools like eCommerce integration, subscriptions, advertising, etc.
  • Hosted cloud platform for instant global access, no downloads needed
  • Analytics to track readership and engagement
  • Support for multiple output formats like online, PDF, tablet editions

In summary, Yudu simplifies the online/digital publishing process allowing anyone to produce media-rich engaging publications without coding or reliance on developers.

The Best Yudu Alternatives

Top Apps like Yudu

Medium, Scribd, Project Gutenberg, Google Play Books, SlideShare, Issuu, Scribe.rip, Myne (eBook), Paperturn, Active Textbook, Bookoid, YouPublish, BookScavenge are some alternatives to Yudu.


Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Evan Williams and launched in 2012. It allows users to publish their own stories, articles, and essays on a variety of topics. Medium is designed for ease of reading, with clean formatting and typography.Some key features of Medium include:Users can publish...


Scribd is an online subscription service launched in 2007 that offers users access to an extensive digital library of over 100 million ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, and more. It has been referred to as the 'Netflix for books' due to its flat-rate monthly fee model that allows unlimited reading and listening across...

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a digital library founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart. It is the oldest digital library and one of the largest collections of free eBooks. The library contains over 60,000 free eBooks that are available without any restrictions.The goal of Project Gutenberg is to encourage the creation and...

Google Play Books

Google Play Books is an ebook and audiobook app and store developed and offered by Google. It allows users to browse, purchase, download, and read ebooks and listen to audiobooks on Android, iOS, and web browsers.Some key features of Google Play Books include:Access to millions of ebook and...


SlideShare is an online platform and content sharing site for professional content. It is used to share presentations, infographics, documents, videos and webinars. SlideShare was launched in October 2006 and has become one of the top 150 most-visited websites globally according to Alexa rankings.Users can upload files privately or publicly in...


Issuu is an online digital publishing and document sharing platform that allows users to upload, publish, and share PDFs, images, presentations, and other types of documents as online publications. It acts as an alternative to traditional print media by offering an easy conversion of print assets to digital format with...


Scribe.rip is a free web-based transcription service that utilizes artificial intelligence to transcribe audio and video files. It allows users to easily upload media files such as MP3, WAV, MP4, and more to automatically generate text transcripts.One of the main benefits of Scribe.rip is that it is...

Myne (eBook)

Myne is an open-source eBook reader and library management app for Android. It provides an intuitive interface for organizing, reading, and syncing eBook libraries across devices.Some key features of Myne include:Support for common eBook formats like EPUB, MOBI, PDF, etc.Library management tools for sorting, tagging, searching booksReading...


Paperturn is an cloud-based document management and eBook creation platform designed to help individuals and teams collaborate on documents and publish them as professional eBooks. Some key features of Paperturn include:Document Viewer - Allows easy online viewing and reading of PDFs, Word docs, PowerPoints without needing Office installed.Annotations...

Active Textbook

Active Textbook is an innovative digital textbook platform designed for K-12 and higher education classrooms. It aims to make textbooks more interactive and collaborative for both teachers and students.Key features of Active Textbook include:Collaborative annotation tools like highlighting and adding digital notes or questionsBuilt-in analytics to track student...


Bookoid is an open-source ebook management software designed to help users organize, catalog, and track their personal ebook libraries. It provides a range of features to manage both ebooks that have been purchased as well as users' own documents.Some key features of Bookoid include:Importing ebooks in various formats...


YouPublish is an open source content management system designed specifically for publishing blogs, magazines, newspapers, and other types of publications online. It provides an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that allows publishers to quickly create visually appealing websites without needing to know any coding.Some key features of YouPublish include:Intuitive editor...


BookScavenge is an open-source, cross-platform ebook management tool for Windows, Mac and Linux. It allows you to easily catalog and organize your ebook collection with support for metadata, covers, series, virtual libraries, tags, ratings and reviews.Key features of BookScavenge include:Intuitive user interface for managing even large ebook librariesBulk...