icon is a free document sharing and storage platform that allows users to upload, view, share, and manage files online. It offers 2GB of free storage and basic document management features.

What is is a free online document management and sharing platform. It allows users to securely upload, store, organize, share, and access files and documents from any web browser.

With, users get 2GB of free cloud storage space to store all their documents. It supports uploading files and folders of any type up to 2GB in size per file. Users can organize their documents into folders and sub-folders, making it easy to manage projects and keep things tidy.

A key feature of is the ability to share files and folders securely. Sensitive documents can be password protected or limited to specific user access. Secure sharing links provide control over who can view or edit files. also allows real-time collaboration on documents. Multiple users can open, view and edit Microsoft Office files at the same time, enabling seamless teamwork.

Other key features include:

  • Version history - ability to view or restore previous versions of files
  • Customizable user permissions for shared folders and files
  • In-platform document viewer to preview files without downloading them
  • Drag-and-drop uploads right from your desktop
  • Mobile app available for Android and iOS

With its simple interface, extensive features and generous free storage, is an excellent free platform for securely managing and sharing documents online.

The Best Alternatives

Top Apps like

Scribd, Project Gutenberg, Apple Books, Google Play Books, DocDroid, SlideShare, Issuu, FlippingBook, SlideOnline, Instant Flipbook, DocumentCloud, PUB HTML5, Myne (eBook), Active Textbook, Zinio, FlipBuilder, DocPlayer, Speaker Deck, Freebook Sifter,, BlueToad, Bookoid, Slide HTML5, Hashdoc, aXmag, edelpaper are some alternatives to


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Project Gutenberg

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