Logical Circuit is an open-source digital circuit design and simulation software. It allows users to design, test and debug digital logic circuits without physically building them. Some key features include a simple graphical interface, ability to simulate circuits in real-time, extensive component libraries and support for common logic gates, flip flops, multiplexers etc.
Logical Circuit is an open-source software used for designing and simulating digital logic circuits. It provides an intuitive graphical user interface that allows users to easily construct circuits using common logic gates like AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR as well as complex components like adders, multiplexers, flip flops, counters etc.
Once a circuit is designed, Logical Circuit simulates it in real-time and shows the logical flow and signal propagation visually. Users can even inject faults and test input signals to thoroughly verify and debug their circuits. The simulation runs right inside the software and does not require any external tools or hardware.
Some key features of Logical Circuit include:
- Simple and easy-to-use graphical drag and drop interface
- Extensive component libraries with all common logic gates,muxes, flip flops, registers etc.
- Ability to simulate unlimited number of input combinations
- Real-time circuit simulation and visualization
- Testing using sample inputs or test benches
- Fault insertion to test failure modes
- Analyzing timing diagrams and simulations
- Customizable components and logic units
- Saving and loading circuit designs
- Exporting simulations as images or reports
As an open-source solution, Logical Circuit is completely free to use. Its simplicity and extensive component libraries make it suitable for students, educators, hobbyists and engineers to easily construct, test and verify their digital logic circuits without hardware.
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