A young boy inherits supernatural powers on his 13th birthday, as he explores his new abilities, sinister forces emerge that threaten his life and relationships.
Lucius is a psychological thriller web series created bywriters/directors/producers Barbara Gylys and Brinke Stevens. It follows the story of Lucius Wagner (Johnny Pacar), a young boy who comes from a long bloodline of powerful witches. On his 13th birthday, Lucius inherits supernatural gifts and abilities passed down through generations of his ancestors.
At first, Lucius uses his newfound powers harmlessly and keeps them a secret. However, as he grows stronger, sinister witch hunters emerge, intent on destroying Lucius and his family before he realizes his full potential. Lucius must learn to harness his emerging abilities with the help of his eccentric Aunt Helene (Brinke Stevens) while protecting his single mother Jenna (Rachel Alig) and younger sister Callie (Joy Regullano) from escalating threats.
Over the course of the series, the sweet and humble Lucius is forced to confront difficult truths about his family’s past and make impossible choices about how to use his considerable power. His journey pushes the limits of his morality as he walks the line between good and evil. With rich characters, an original concept, and modern production value, Lucius delivers a binge-worthy viewing experience perfect for supernatural thriller fans.