Explore parallel universes in this classic point-and-click adventure game series developed by Funcom, featuring April Ryan and her quest to restore balance between the technologically advanced Stark and magical Arcadia.
The Longest Journey is a point-and-click adventure video game series developed by the Norwegian company Funcom. The first game in the series follows April Ryan, an 18-year-old art student living in the futuristic metropolis of Stark in the year 2209. She discovers she has the ability to shift between Stark and a parallel magical realm called Arcadia, and that she must restore the Balance between these two worlds before the chaotic Stark invades the orderly Arcadia.
Over the course of her journey, April meets characters like the seasoned Arcadia warrior Crow, her talking pet companion Wit, and the legendary Guardian of the Balance named Cortez. She must overcome challenges and solve environmental puzzles in locations like the Venice-inspired city of Marcuria in Arcadia. The original Longest Journey game was praised for its expansive storyline and detailed visual worldbuilding.
The Longest Journey series continued with the games Dreamfall: The Longest Journey in 2006 and Dreamfall Chapters in 2014-2016. These games follow new protagonist Zoë Castillo in the future, as she investigates a conspiracy and attempts to save the Balance alongside characters like April Ryan. The games mix science fiction and magical fantasy elements to create an immersive adventure experience spanning two unique parallel universes.