A dark comedy TV series following a crime scene cleanup crew entangled in dangerous and absurd situations, led by character Bob, covering up murders while becoming part of criminal conspiracies.
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner is a 30-minute dark comedy TV series that premiered on a streaming platform in 2021. It follows a fledgling crime scene cleanup crew led by Bob, a burnout who spent his life dreaming of being a scientist. After his wife leaves him, Bob recruits his slacker cousin and a teenage neighbor to start a biohazard removal company, specializing in cleaning up gruesome murders.
As the crew gains experience tidying up morbid crime scenes, they find themselves entangled in zany and perilous scenarios way beyond their pay grade. Despite lacking sleuthing skills, members of Bob's crew inadvertently become part of criminal conspiracies and must cover up additional murders in order to avoid becoming targets themselves. The series balances absurd situational humor with high stakes, leaning into the bizarre nature of cleaning up after homicides.
With echoes of Breaking Bad and Dexter, Nobodies: Murder Cleaner puts a comedic spin on the darker side of human nature. While lacking glory, Bob pursues meaning through service by making order from chaos. The show’s eccentric characters, sudden twists, and satirical tone underpin its unique take on the crime genre.
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