Discover Deponia, a series of point-and-click adventure games developed by Daedalic Entertainment, where Rufus's misadventures unfold on the trash planet Deponia and his quest to reach Elysium.
Deponia is a point-and-click adventure video game series developed and published by Daedalic Entertainment. Set in a dystopian world, the games follow the story of Rufus, an unlucky young man living in the garbage planet Deponia who dreams of reaching the utopian floating city of Elysium.
The first game in the series, Deponia, was released in 2012. It introduces players to the junk-filled world of Deponia and its inhabitants, as well as the lead character Rufus and his attempts to impress his love interest Goal. Through humorous situations and challenging puzzles, Rufus tries to find a way to make it to Elysium.
The series continued with Deponia Doomsday in 2016, a special edition that explored an alternate timeline occurring during the events of the first game. It added new characters, locations, and twists to the existing story. The final game in the main trilogy, Goodbye Deponia, was released in 2013 and wrapped up Rufus's journey in dramatic fashion.
With hand-drawn backgrounds, colorful characters, and a unique blend of comedy and emotion, the Deponia series has developed a devoted cult following over the years. Its twisting narrative spanning multiple games, memorable protagonists, and tricky but clever puzzles have made it a standout in the point-and-click genre.