MapTiler is an open-source software used to slice large raster datasets into tilesets that can be viewed as map layers in web maps. It supports various raster formats and allows fast access and visualization of large geospatial datasets in web browsers.
MapTiler is an open-source desktop application used to generate tilesets from large raster datasets like satellite imagery, aerial photos, relief maps, etc. It slices the source images into small 256x256 pixel map tiles optimized for web map viewing and seamlessly stitches them together into zoomable map layers.
Some key features of MapTiler include:
By preprocessing large imagery into tiles, MapTiler enables fast visualization of terabyte-sized geospatial data in any web maps like Google Maps, Leaflet, Mapbox GL JS, Cesium JS, etc. It is commonly used by GIS developers and businesses needing to show their large raster content as web map layers. The generated tilesets can be easily shared online or integrated into custom web mapping applications.