mrViewer: Open-Source Medical Image Viewer Software
Load and visualize medical images like MRI and CT scans with multi-planar reformatting, 3D rendering, surface extraction, and more tools for analyzing medical images.
What is MrViewer?
mrViewer is a cross-platform open source software for loading and visualizing medical images. It supports all common medical image formats including DICOM, NIfTI, NRRD, MGZ, and raw image stacks.
Some of the key features of mrViewer include:
- Multi-planar reformatting (MPR) - Scroll through axial, coronal and sagittal slices of volumetric scans
- 3D volume rendering - Generate 3D renderings from scan volumes using different presets and adjustable opacity/color transfer functions
- Surface extraction - Extract 3D surface models from label maps and other segmented volumes
- 4D visualization - Scroll through timeframes of 4D scans (3D + time)
- Fusion and comparison - Fuse multiple scans together and compare side-by-side or overlapped
- Measurement tools - Measure distance, angle and area on scans
- Image enhancement - Adjust brightness, contrast and apply filters
- Export images and movies - Export still frames and spin videos
- Scriptable via Python - Automate tasks using mrViewer's Python scripting API
- Cross-platform - Runs on Windows, Mac and Linux
With its wide feature set and easy-to-use interface, mrViewer is well-suited for visualizing and analyzing medical images for clinical diagnosis, medical research and education.