Free, open-source stock photography with no copyright restrictions, search over 300,000 high quality images for your projects
MyLens is a free, open-source alternative to expensive stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Getty Images. It provides access to a library of over 300,000 high quality, reusable images that are free from copyright restrictions.
Unlike other stock sites, MyLens does not charge for image downloads or subscriptions. The platform is completely free to use for commercial or personal projects. MyLens hosts images that have been contributed by a community of photographers who have agreed to share their work at no cost.
Some key features of MyLens include:
The interface is clean, simple and easy to navigate. Images can be downloaded at full resolution directly from the site. MyLens also provides proper attribution guidelines to credit image creators.
Overall, MyLens is an excellent free alternative for designers, developers, bloggers and businesses looking for stock images without restrictive licenses or fees.
Here are some alternatives to MyLens:
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