The Oddworld series is a franchise of platform video games developed by Oddworld Inhabitants. The games take place on the fictional planet Oddworld and focus on the native species called Mudokons who struggle against greedy industrialists.
The Oddworld series is a franchise of platform and puzzle video games developed by Oddworld Inhabitants. The series take place on the fictional planet Oddworld, where the native species Mudokons and other creatures struggle against greedy industrialists seeking to exploit the planet's natural resources.
The first Oddworld game, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, was released in 1997 and follows Abe, a Mudokon slave at a meat processing plant called RuptureFarms. Abe discovers plans to turn Mudokons into the company's next meat product and embarks on a quest to free his fellow slaves. Combining platforming, puzzle solving, and stealth gameplay, Abe's Oddysee set the tone for future Oddworld titles.
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus from 1998 continued Abe's story. 2005's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath shifted to a live ammunition first person shooter style while still retaining puzzle and platform elements. Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty was a full ground-up remake of Abe's Oddysee released in 2014. Most recently, Oddworld: Soulstorm in 2020 served as a re-imagining of Abe's Exoddus.
Central to all Oddworld games are themes about the environmental and social consequences of rampant industrialization. By finding non-violent solutions that save both Mudokons and the Oddworld environment from exploitation, the games encourage thoughtful approaches over aggression.