A free and easy-to-use download manager for various operating systems, allowing simultaneous downloads, scheduling, and more.
Persepolis is a free and open source download manager that is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X operating systems. It has a range of features to help users efficiently download files:
- Supports downloading multiple files simultaneously in separate connections, which speeds up downloads compared to a web browser
- Ability to pause and resume downloads, so large downloads can be paused and continued later
- Download scheduling allows users to set a start time for downloads
- Downloads files in sequential order with queue priority management
- Simple and intuitive graphical user interface, easy to get started
- Lightweight program with low memory and CPU footprint
- Supports downloading videos from YouTube and other video sites
- Available in over 30 languages
Overall, Persepolis Download Manager is a good option for power users who need advanced downloading capabilities beyond what web browsers provide. With support for multiple platforms, scheduling, priorities, and resuming, it can improve productivity and efficiency when downloading files.