Pod Wrangler

Pod Wrangler

Pod Wrangler is a podcast app for editing, mixing and publishing podcasts. It allows you to record, edit, enhance and publish podcast episodes with effects and transitions.
Pod Wrangler image
podcast audio-editing mixing publishing effects transitions

Pod Wrangler: Podcast Editing & Publishing

A podcast app for editing, mixing, and publishing podcasts, featuring recording, editing, enhancement, and publishing capabilities with effects and transitions.

What is Pod Wrangler?

Pod Wrangler is a comprehensive podcast editing software for Mac and Windows. It provides a wide range of features to help podcasters record, edit, enhance and publish professional-sounding podcast episodes.

Key features include:

  • Intuitive audio editor with effects and transitions
  • Tools for removing background noise, balancing audio and enhancing voices
  • Support for recording podcasts via microphone or importing audio files
  • Options for adding intro/outro music, sound clips and jingles
  • Simple chapter marker support for creating segments
  • ID3 tag editing for organizing metadata
  • One-click podcast publishing to all major platforms
  • Batch processing for enhancing multiple files
  • Supports leading podcast formats like MP3 and M4A

Pod Wrangler aims to provide a streamlined workflow for DIY podcasters to edit, polish and share podcasts without extensive audio engineering expertise. Its balance of powerful but accessible tools can help podcast producers focus more on content creation.

Pod Wrangler Features


  1. Audio editing
  2. Mixing multiple audio tracks
  3. Adding transitions and effects
  4. Publishing and sharing podcast episodes


  • Freemium


User-friendly interface

Powerful editing capabilities

Great for beginners

Affordable pricing


Limited to podcast editing functions

Fewer advanced features than competitors

Mac only

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