Player FM

Player FM

Player FM is a free podcast listening app available for iOS, Android, and web. It allows you to discover, subscribe, and listen to podcasts from a catalog of over 1 million shows. Player FM features an intuitive interface, ability to sync subscriptions and listening progress acro
Player FM image
podcasts audio music entertainment

Player FM: Free Podcast Listening App

Discover, subscribe, and listen to podcasts from a catalog of over 1 million shows with Player FM's intuitive interface, sync capabilities, playlist creation, and personalized podcast recommendations.

What is Player FM?

Player FM is a popular free podcast listening platform developed by Player FM d.o.o. It is available as mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, as well as through a web player that can be accessed from desktop and laptop computers.

Some key features of Player FM include:

  • An intuitive interface that allows for easy podcast browsing, subscribing, playlist creation, and listening.
  • Syncing of your subscriptions, playlists, and listening progress across the iOS, Android, and web apps.
  • A catalog of over 1 million podcast shows covering all topics and genres.
  • Discovery tools such as curated podcast recommendations based on your interests and listening history.
  • Options to play podcasts at adjustable speeds, set sleep timers, and customize the listening experience.
  • Offline playback - ability to download podcast episodes for listening without an internet connection.
  • Free with no ads. Player FM generates revenue through affiliate links and voluntary tips from appreciative users.

In summary, Player FM aims to provide a streamlined platform for discovering, managing, and listening to podcasts. The syncing features and free mobile/web apps allow seamless access to your favorite shows from anywhere. It's an ad-free option trusted by millions of podcast fans worldwide.

Player FM Features


  1. Intuitive interface
  2. Ability to sync subscriptions and listening progress across devices
  3. Playlist creation
  4. Podcast discovery based on interests


  • Freemium


Free to use

Large catalog of podcasts

Available on multiple platforms

Good tools for discovering new podcasts


Limited customization options

Occasional bugs

Some features require premium subscription

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