

Podsnatcher is a podcast app that allows you to easily subscribe, manage, and listen to podcasts. It has a simple interface and supports automatic podcast updates and downloads.
Podsnatcher image
podcasts audio music entertainment subscriptions downloads

Podsnatcher: Podcast App for Easy Subscriptions and Management

A simple and feature-rich podcast app that allows easy podcast subscriptions, management, and listening, with automatic updates and downloads.

What is Podsnatcher?

Podsnatcher is a free, open source podcast app for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It provides an easy way to find, subscribe, manage and listen to your favorite podcasts.

Key features of Podsnatcher include:

  • Search podcast catalogs or paste in RSS feed URLs to subscribe
  • Automatically download new episodes of your subscribed podcasts
  • Organize podcasts into custom categories and playlists
  • Mark episodes as played, flag favorites, and manage Priority podcasts
  • Listen at multiple playback speeds from 1x to 3x
  • An intuitive, responsive interface focused on simplicity
  • Free and open source software with no ads, tracking or analytics
  • Available on Windows, Mac and Linux with cross-platform sync coming soon

If you listen to a lot of podcasts, Podsnatcher aims to make it easy to manage your subscriptions and playback queue without getting overloaded with features. Its simple, no-nonsense approach may appeal if you find apps like iTunes or Overcast too bloated.

Podsnatcher Features


  1. Stream and download podcast episodes
  2. Subscribe and manage podcast subscriptions
  3. Automatic podcast updates
  4. Offline listening
  5. Sleep timer
  6. Variable playback speed
  7. Chapter support
  8. Dark mode


  • Free


Simple, intuitive interface

Reliable podcast updates

Good podcast discovery and suggestions

Effective playlist management

Offline listening capability

Free with no ads


Limited customization options

No cloud sync between devices

No video podcast support

No web or desktop app

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