

Podalong is a podcast app that focuses on community features to help podcast listeners connect. It allows users to react to episodes, leave comments, join communities of listeners around their favorite shows, chat with friends, and discover new podcasts through personalized recom
podcasts community recommendations chat

Podalong: Community-Driven Podcast App

A podcast app that focuses on community features to help listeners connect, react to episodes, leave comments, join communities, chat with friends, and discover new podcasts through personalized recommendations.

What is Podalong?

Podalong is a podcast listening app released in 2021 that aims to add more community and social features for podcast fans beyond just listening. It allows listeners to react and leave comments on specific parts of podcast episodes, which other listeners who are at the same point in an episode can see and reply to.

A key aspect of Podalong is groups and communities. Listeners with shared interests can join or create groups around podcasts where they can discuss episodes, give feedback to podcast creators, and engage with other fans of the shows. The app aims to replicate behaviors and conversations that happen in real-life communities of shared interests.

Beyond the community and commenting features, Podalong includes all the core features of a podcast app: audio playback and download options, personalized recommendations, and the ability to manage your subscription list. One standout recommendation feature is that it recommends other podcast episodes with popular comments threads related to the episode you just finished.

Overall, with Podalong, the focus is on going beyond passive podcast listening to building connections and communities around the podcasts people love. If you love particular shows and want to interact more with other fans as you listen, Podalong aims to provide that.

Podalong Features


  1. Allows users to react and comment on podcast episodes
  2. Build communities around favorite podcast shows
  3. Chat with friends about episodes
  4. Get personalized podcast recommendations


  • Freemium


Great for engaging with other podcast fans

Discover new podcasts easily

Social features make listening more fun


Limited podcast library compared to other apps

Fewer advanced playback features like variable speed

Requires creating an account to use social features

Official Links

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