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Poper Blocker

Poper Blocker is a free browser extension that blocks intrusive pop-up ads while browsing the web. It works across multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more to provide an ad-free browsing experience.

What is Poper Blocker?

Poper Blocker is a free and open-source browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. It effectively blocks pop-up ads, notification pop-ups, and overlay ads for a smoother web browsing experience without intrusive interruptions.

Once installed, Poper Blocker runs quietly in the background and automatically stops pop-ups from opening when you visit a website. It distinguishes between user-initiated pop-up windows such as login dialogs to prevent legitimate pop-ups from being blocked.

The extension has customizable settings to tweak the strength of pop-up blocking or whitelist certain sites. Users can choose to block all pop-ups or allow non-intrusive ones. Advanced config options are also available for expert users.

Poper Blocker is very lightweight and does not slow down browser performance. It consumes very little CPU and memory resources. The extension regularly receives updates to block newly emerging pop-up ads and improve filtering rules. It has an intuitive UI and works right after installation without complex configuration.

It has over 10 million users across browsers. Poper Blocker is featured as one of the best pop-up blockers and recommended for seamless web browsing. The browser extension can be downloaded for free from the official website or browser app stores.

The Best Poper Blocker Alternatives

Top Apps like Poper Blocker

AdBlock, Adblock Plus, AdGuard, Blokada, AdAway, 1Blocker, Stands, AdBlocker Ultimate, Popup Blocker (strict), ZenMate Web Firewall, Wipr, Popup blocker script are some alternatives to Poper Blocker.


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Adblock Plus

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Stands is a versatile project management and task management software designed to help teams organize work, manage projects, and boost productivity. With a range of powerful features wrapped in an intuitive interface, Stands makes it easy to plan projects, break down goals into actionable tasks, set deadlines, assign work to...

AdBlocker Ultimate

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Popup Blocker (strict)

Popup Blocker (strict) is a popular ad blocker and popup blocker extension available for web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It sets very strict rules to block popups, ads, trackers, malware, and other annoying or harmful items on websites you visit.By default, Popup Blocker (strict) blocks all...

ZenMate Web Firewall

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Popup blocker script

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