Popup blocker script icon

Popup blocker script

A popup blocker script is a simple JavaScript code that prevents annoying popup windows from appearing when you visit a website. It stops popups before they appear on your screen.

What is Popup blocker script?

A popup blocker script is a piece of JavaScript code that can be added to websites to prevent popup windows from opening when users visit the site. Popup ads and windows can be intrusive and annoying for users, so popup blockers have become a popular way to create a better browsing experience.

The script works by preventing the browser from opening new popup windows when certain conditions are met, like clicking on an ad or link that tries to launch a new popup. The code analyzes window open commands and stops any new windows from actually appearing on the screen.

Popup blocker scripts are easy to implement and generally lightweight to add to pages. They stop popups from interrupting users and improving the overall usability of sites. Some common features of popup blocker scripts include:

  • Preventing popup windows from opening when users click on links or ads
  • Stopping background popup windows that open without any user interaction
  • Allowing users to enable/disable the popup blocker as needed
  • Whitelisting certain popup windows that should be allowed
  • Logging blocked popup attempts to analyze site behavior

Overall, a popup block script creates smoother web browsing by controlling unwanted popup windows before they become annoying or intrusive.

The Best Popup blocker script Alternatives

Top Apps like Popup blocker script

AdBlock, Adblock Plus, AdGuard, Blokada, AdAway, NextDNS, 1Blocker, Poper Blocker, AdBlocker Ultimate, Popup Blocker (strict), Wipr, Pop Block Pro, Yes popups are some alternatives to Popup blocker script.


AdBlock is a popular open-source ad blocking browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge. It aims to provide users with a faster, more secure and distraction-free browsing experience by blocking ads, tracking technologies and malware domains.Once installed, AdBlock automatically blocks all ads...

Adblock Plus

Adblock Plus is one of the most popular ad blocking extensions available. It can be added to web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera to block intrusive ads and protect user privacy while browsing the web.When enabled, Adblock Plus will automatically remove ads from websites you visit. This...


AdGuard is an ad blocking and privacy protection software and browser extension available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It utilizes multiple filtering engines and custom filters to block ads, tracking scripts, malware, and phishing websites across all browsers and devices.Key features of AdGuard include:Blocks all types of...


Blokada is a free and open source ad blocker and privacy protection app for Android devices. It works by creating a VPN to filter out advertising, tracking, malware and other unwanted content from websites, apps and more.One of the key benefits of Blokada is that it is highly configurable...


AdAway is an open source ad blocker and hosts file editor application for devices running the Android operating system. It blocks ads and tracking by manipulating the hosts file on your Android device.The hosts file acts as an internal DNS, mapping hostnames to IP addresses. AdAway works by redirecting...


NextDNS is a customizable DNS service that focuses on improving privacy, security, performance, and parental controls when browsing the internet. Unlike your standard ISP DNS server that just converts domain names to IP addresses, NextDNS acts as a middleman between your device and websites you visit.Some key features of...


1Blocker is an ad blocking and privacy protection extension and application for Safari on iOS and Mac. It blocks ads, trackers, malware, annoyances, and prevents companies from collecting personal data about users while they browse the web.Key features of 1Blocker include:Blocks all ads including banner ads, video ads...

Poper Blocker

Poper Blocker is a free and open-source browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. It effectively blocks pop-up ads, notification pop-ups, and overlay ads for a smoother web browsing experience without intrusive interruptions.Once installed, Poper Blocker runs quietly in the background and automatically...

AdBlocker Ultimate

AdBlocker Ultimate is a comprehensive ad blocking extension for web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Edge. It blocks various types of online advertising including banner ads, pop-up ads, video ads, Facebook ads and more to provide users with a clean and smooth web browsing experience without intrusive ads...

Popup Blocker (strict)

Popup Blocker (strict) is a popular ad blocker and popup blocker extension available for web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It sets very strict rules to block popups, ads, trackers, malware, and other annoying or harmful items on websites you visit.By default, Popup Blocker (strict) blocks all...


Wipr is an ad blocking extension and privacy tool for Safari on Mac and iOS devices. It was designed by the developer Giorgio Calderolla for a fast and highly effective ad blocking experience on Apple devices.Wipr blocks ads, trackers, cookies, and other website elements that clutter webpages and negatively...

Pop Block Pro

Pop Block Pro is a popular ad blocker and popup blocker extension available for web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. It helps remove intrusive ads, popups, and various other elements that can clutter websites and disrupt the browsing experience.Some key features of Pop Block Pro include:Blocks...

Yes popups

Yes Popups is a user-friendly WordPress popup plugin used by over 40,000 websites. It allows you to easily create customizable popups to capture more leads, drive more sales, and grow your email list.With Yes Popups, you can choose from a variety of professional templates or create your own custom popups...