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Scaledrone is a real-time messaging platform for building chat and messaging features into web and mobile apps. It provides a publish-subscribe model and messaging queues to enable real-time data streaming between clients.

What is Scaledrone?

Scaledrone is a real-time messaging platform optimized for building chat, messaging, and data streaming features into web and mobile applications. It provides a scalable and reliable pub/sub infrastructure to connect clients and devices via persistent WebSocket connections.

Key features include:

  • Publish-subscribe model - Clients can publish messages to channels that other clients are subscribed to
  • Presence tracking - See which clients are online and connected in real-time
  • Message history - Store messages in channels for retrieval when clients connect
  • Authentication - Validate and identify clients connecting to your app
  • Access controls - Manage permissions for publishing, subscribing, and accessing channels
  • Scalability - Built to handle millions of persistent client connections
  • Reliability - Robust infrastructure and auto-recovery options
  • Client SDKs - Optimized libraries for web, iOS, Android, and more

Scaledrone eliminates the need to build complex real-time infrastructure. Its APIs and client SDKs enable developers to easily add live data streaming, chat, notifications, and collaboration features to their apps.

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