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Butterfly Server .NET

Butterfly Server .NET is an open-source .NET server software designed for building real-time web applications. It provides APIs and components for enabling features like bidirectional communication, push notifications, and messaging in web apps.

What is Butterfly Server .NET?

Butterfly Server .NET is an open-source server software built on the .NET platform for enabling real-time capabilities in web applications. It allows building apps with features like instant messaging, live data streams, push notifications, and bidirectional communication between server and clients.

Some key capabilities provided by Butterfly Server .NET include:

  • Websocket support for full-duplex communication between server and web clients
  • Scalable architecture using SignalR for routing messages
  • APIs for publishing messages/events to clients in real-time
  • Built-in fallbacks to other techniques like long-polling if websockets are not available
  • Client SDKs for integrating real-time features in frontend code
  • Supports common web development languages like C#, F#, and VB.NET
  • Cross-platform and runs on Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Open-sourced under the AGPL license

Butterfly Server enables building modern, interactive web applications with push-based data flows. It handles complex real-time messaging protocols and allows developers to focus on the application code and logic. The project is actively maintained on GitHub.

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