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Supabase is an open source alternative to Firebase. It offers easy backend storage, authentication, and APIs for web and mobile applications. Supabase provides an interface similar to Firebase with realtime databases, authentication, storage, and more.

What is Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase that provides many similar features for building web and mobile applications. Like Firebase, Supabase offers realtime databases, user authentication, file storage, Functions, and more through simple APIs.

Some key things to know about Supabase:

  • It has an open source backend based on Postgres, unlike Firebase which has a closed proprietary backend.
  • The database is PostgresSQL, allowing for more complex queries and relationships compared to Firebase's JSON NoSQL databases.
  • It has comprehensive APIs for things like realtime subscriptions, authentication, storage, and more.
  • The dashboard interface is easy to use for managing your databases, tables, storage, and authentication.
  • It has client libraries for popular platforms and frameworks like JavaScript, iOS, Android, React, Flutter, and more.
  • Supabase is free for smaller projects then has paid tiers for larger scale production apps.
  • As an open source project, developers can help improve Supabase via GitHub.

Overall, Supabase aims to provide many of the great development features of Firebase while being open source. Its Postgres backend and comprehensive feature set make it a compelling alternative.

The Best Supabase Alternatives

Top Apps like Supabase


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