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Smartech is an ecommerce marketing software that allows stores to engage customers through personalized campaigns and content. It helps track customer behavior and build targeted customer journeys across channels.

What is Smartech?

Smartech is an advanced ecommerce marketing software designed to help online stores engage customers through highly personalized and relevant campaigns and content across channels. It provides a complete set of tools to track customer behavior, segment audiences, activate campaigns across channels like email, web push notifications, SMS, and more.

Key features of Smartech include:

  • AI-powered segmentation and predictive modeling to understand customers and identify high-value segments
  • Drag-and-drop journey builder to create multi-channel customer journeys with triggers and conditional logic
  • Personalization engine to customize content and offers for each customer segment
  • Advanced email editor to build engaging emails with dynamic content
  • Automated web push notifications to re-engage site visitors
  • SMS marketing capabilities to reach customers on mobile devices
  • Built-in CRM with rich customer profiles and lifecycle stage tracking
  • Attribution modeling to understand marketing channel performance
  • Integrations with ecommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento

Overall, Smartech provides a complete ecommerce marketing suite to help stores increase customer engagement, conversions, and revenue through highly personalized cross-channel campaigns.

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