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COKE JS is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces and web applications. It provides components like buttons, menus, tooltips, and more to help developers quickly build apps without having to write UI code from scratch.

What is COKE JS?

COKE JS is an open-source JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces and web applications. Created and maintained by Coca-Cola, it provides a collection of reusable UI components, tools, and utilities to help developers quickly build high-quality apps without having to code everything from scratch.

With COKE JS, you can easily incorporate common UI elements like buttons, menus, tooltips, notifications, and more with just a few lines of code. It offers pre-built components that handle much of the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS needed to implement these interfaces, abstracting away the complexity so you can focus on your app's logic and performance.

Some key features and benefits of COKE JS include:

  • Large library of customizable components like inputs, popups, tabs, and more
  • Responsively designed elements that work well on both mobile and desktop
  • Robust theming support with ability to style components to fit your brand
  • Lightweight footprint - Minimized builds under 15kB gzipped
  • Abstractions for common interactions like hover, focus, active states
  • ARIA compliance and attributes for improved accessibility
  • Extensive documentation with code examples for every component
  • Library of icons, logos, and design resources
  • No dependencies - Can be used standalone or with popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue

Using pre-built components from COKE JS allows developers to create beautiful, responsive UIs faster. And since it's open-source and compatible with module bundlers like Webpack, developers can customize components to their needs or contribute back to help improve the library for everyone.

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