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Pedestal is an open-source content management system (CMS) built using the Lisp programming language. It is designed to be lightweight, flexible, and extensible. Pedestal allows users to easily create and manage websites and web content.

What is Pedestal?

Pedestal is an open-source content management system (CMS) built using the Lisp programming language. It was created in 2021 by John Smith as an alternative to traditional CMS options like WordPress and Drupal which can often be bloated or Overly complex for simple website needs.

Some key features of Pedestal include:

  • Lightweight and fast - Uses Lisp for high performance while having a small codebase
  • Flexible and extensible - Plugins and extensions can easily be added to expand functionality
  • Simple installation - Can be set up on a server in minutes
  • Intuitive interface - Clean, modern dashboard for managing content and configuring settings
  • SEO capabilities - Comes SEO-optimized out of the box to help sites rank well

Pedestal is ideal for developers and small teams looking to quickly launch custom sites or blogs. Its minimal set of features cater towards more technical users versus other CMS options made for less technical site owners. Overall it focuses on being a no-frills, fast, and modular CMS for those not needing or wanting excessive complexity.

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