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Hoodie is an open-source JavaScript library for front-end web development. It provides a simple API and tools for building offline-first web apps by handling data synchronization, persistent storage, and user authentication out of the box.

What is Hoodie?

Hoodie is an open-source JavaScript library that aims to simplify front-end web development by providing a set of tools for building offline-first web applications. Some key features of Hoodie include:

  • Handling offline data - Hoodie provides a simple API for storing data locally in the browser, syncing it with the backend when connectivity is available.
  • User authentication - Hoodie includes user authentication out of the box with email/password login and social login support.
  • Data synchronization - Hoodie handles syncing data between local browser storage and the backend automatically, minimizing coding effort.
  • Persistent offline storage - Data is stored locally using a NoSQL store, ensuring data persistence even when offline.
  • Front-end agnostic - Hoodie can be used with any front-end framework like React, Vue, Angular etc.
  • Server backend agnostic - The Hoodie client library can sync data with any back-end, not tied to a specific platform.

Some ideal use cases for Hoodie include building mobile apps, progressive web apps, dashboards, and applications where offline functionality is required. The library emphasizes faster front-end development by eliminating boilerplate code for common functionality.

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