Peer-reviewed online encyclopedia covering various fields of research, written by experts
Scholarpedia is an online encyclopedia with the goal of providing detailed yet accessible explanations for topics across all fields of academic research. It aims to have articles written and peer-reviewed by experts to ensure high quality and authoritative information.
Unlike Wikipedia which allows anyone to edit, Scholarpedia has an editorial process where article authors must be approved scholars in their field. Articles go through a peer review process before publication similar to an academic journal. This is intended to result in expert-written reference articles.
The scope of Scholarpedia is broad, spanning the natural sciences, formal sciences, social sciences, and humanities. There are over 2,500 articles on topics from physics and mathematics to psychology and economics. The articles provide key overviews of theories, methods, biographies, and core terminology.
The website interface allows browsing by subject area or searching. Articles feature cross-references links, reference lists, illustrations, interactive applets, and downloadable PDF versions. The content uses a Creative Commons license and aims to be a useful reference source for students, educators, and researchers.
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