Explore thought-provoking, story-driven games with hand-drawn art from Sila Games, a renowned indie studio
Sila Games is an independent video game developer founded in 2016 by a small team of developers and artists. Based in San Francisco, Sila Games specializes in creating unique, story-driven games featuring hand-drawn art and animation.
Their first release, 'The Journey Home', follows a young girl trying to find her way back after being separated from her family. Combining puzzle-platformer gameplay with an emotional narrative, the game was praised for its art style and poignant storytelling. It won several indie game awards and was nominated for BAFTA's Best Debut Game.
Their next game, 'Lost & Found', tells the wordless tale of an unlikely friendship between a lost robot and a stranded alien. Exploring themes of belonging, connection, and helping others, the game continues Sila Games' signature approach of merging hand-drawn visuals, atmospheric music, and thoughtful storytelling.
Led by industry veterans with decades of experience working on acclaimed indie titles, Sila Games aims to keep producing games that stand out through impactful narratives conveyed through art. By staying small and independent, the studio wants to retain the creative freedom to take risks and cover subjects often ignored by mainstream games.
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