Alternative to with focus on privacy and ad-free experience, featuring photo sharing, messaging, profiles and clean interface
SpaceHey is an alternative social network similar to It was created in response to Hey's announcement that they would be shutting down in January 2023.
Like Hey, SpaceHey focuses on privacy and providing an ad-free experience for its users. Some key features SpaceHey offers include:
Overall, SpaceHey aims to capture what fans loved about Hey while improving on privacy and security. The service is still in invite-only beta testing as of early 2023, but plans to fully launch later this year. It's positioning itself as a friendlier and more ethical alternative to dominant social networks like Facebook or Instagram.
If you appreciated Hey's approach to social networking, SpaceHey is aiming to carry on that legacy and could be worth checking out.
Here are some alternatives to SpaceHey:
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