icon is a web analytics tool that helps website owners track visitor behavior to understand user engagement. It provides insights into page views, conversion rates, referrers, and more to optimize websites.

What is is a user-friendly web analytics platform designed to help website owners and bloggers track visitor statistics and behavior on their sites. Some key features of Trackemon include:

  • Intuitive dashboards showing real-time and historical website traffic data such as pageviews, unique visitors, bounce rates, etc.
  • In-depth analysis of visitor acquisition channels such as search engines, social media, referring sites, etc.
  • Tools to track on-page analytics like scroll depth, click tracking, exit intent, and more to understand user engagement.
  • Customizable reports and scheduled email reports to regularly monitor website performance.
  • Integrations with Google Analytics, Search Console, Facebook Pixel and more to consolidate analytics.
  • Competitive pricing plans for personal blogs, small businesses, and agencies.

Overall, Trackemon is an affordable and easy-to-use analytics platform well-suited for anyone looking to get actionable insights into their website traffic and engagement levels in order to maximize growth.

The Best Alternatives

Top Apps like, Global Nest Atlas,, PokeHuntr are some alternatives to is a web-based service designed to help Pokémon GO players locate rare Pokémon spawns in their area. It functions as a real-time crowd-sourced Pokémon tracker, allowing users to report sightings which then appear on an interactive map.Here are some key features of

Global Nest Atlas

Global Nest Atlas is an innovative platform for crowdsourcing and sharing information about bird nesting sites and breeding activity around the world. Developed through a partnership between Birds Canada and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the goal of Global Nest Atlas is to empower a global community of bird enthusiasts... is a useful website for players of the augmented reality game Pokemon Go. It allows users to see the locations of rare Pokemon, PokeStops, and gyms that have been crowd-sourced by other players.The website has an interactive map that shows the locations of different points of interest...


PokeHuntr is a popular third-party service for Pokémon GO players that functions as an interactive map and radar tracking tool. It provides real-time insight into the locations and availability of Pokémon, PokéStops, and gyms in the player's nearby vicinity.The key benefit of PokeHuntr is that it...